Explore the 11th Edition Photo Gallery!

Dear attendees of the 11th Edition,

We are excited to announce that the photo gallery from our event is now available on our website! Relive the magic and excitement through captivating snapshots capturing the best moments, inspiring presentations, and cherished connections made during the event. Share the fond memories with friends and colleagues, and let the images transport you back to the unforgettable experience of the 11th Edition. Thank you for being part of this amazing event!

Monograph from EYEC 11th Edition: Ready for You to Read!

We are delighted to announce that the recently completed monograph from the 11th Edition of the European Young Engineers Conference (EYEC) is now available for your reading pleasure! Immerse yourself in a collection of exceptional research papers and insights contributed by talented young engineers.

Head over to our monograph section to access the monograph and dive into the groundbreaking work presented at EYEC 2023. Congratulations to all the contributors for their remarkable achievements!