
Please, send prepared materials to:

Details of an Article

Scientific article must be an experiment based publication. While deciding to use this form of communication, author should avoid a long and descriptive introduction and focus on describing the results and their impact on the scientific world.

Monograph article might be a result of experiments, so-called an experiment based article or a result of a literature review, so-called a review article. Please note that it is possible to prepare a paper mixing these two formats in one monograph paper.

Basic requirements

Scientific article: the paper should be minimum 10000 characters long (with spaces) or minimum 5 pages long (including figures and a literature list).

Monograph article: the paper should be minimum 20000 characters long (with spaces) or minimum 10 pages long (including figures and a literature list).

Article style guide

  1. File format: .docx, font: Times New Roman, font size: 11 points, line spacing: 1.15,
  2. B5 paper format: 17.6 cm x 25.0 cm,
  3. Margins: top: 2 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left: 3 cm and right: 2 cm,
  4. Indents: 1.5 cm,
  5. Scientific units should be written in SI (e.g. kg, m3).
  6. Captions should be abbreviated, e.g.: 1., Fig. 1., figure captions should be below the figures and table heads should appear above the tables.
  7. References should be numbered in the order of appearance in the text and indicated by a numeral or numerals in square brackets, e.g., [1], [2,3] or [4-6].
  8. All graphics and pictures placed in the text should be in gray scale and resolution equal 300 DPI. Maximum picture size should be 12 cm width and 12 cm height. In some cases it is allowed to make pictures with more than 12 cm height. Also, all pictures should be sent separately in .jpg format. Please make sure that your prepared graphs or photographs are transparent and understandable for the reader.
  9. References should be in following format: Authors, Title of paper/Chapter in the book, Journal title/Book title and publisher/Conference proceedings, year, volume, issue, pages. Look at the examples below.

Example of an article reference:

Fleischer S., Feiner R., Shapira A., Ji J., Sui X., Wagner H.D., Dvir T., Spring-like fibers for cardiac tissue engineering, Biomaterials, 2013, 34, 34, 8599-8609

Example of a book reference:

Ciach T., Geerse K.B., Marijnissen J.C.M., Chapter in the book: Application of electrospray in nanoparticle production, Nanostructured materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002

Example of a conference proceeding reference:

Faliszewski K., Wojasiński M., Ciach T., Influence of process parameters on the size and morphology of poly-L-lactic acid nanofibers obtained by solution blow spinning, European Young Engineers Conference – 2nd Edition Proceedings, 2013, 1, 1, 77-82

Paper format

Monograph article should contain following details:

  1. Title,
  2. Authors (first full name and surname),
  3. Affiliation (e.g. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw),
  4. Contact information (author’s e-mail),
  5. Abstract: summary of the paper (150-200 words),
  6. Key words: list three to seven pertinent words specific to the article,
  7. Main text,
  8. Literature.

Main text should be divided into following paragraphs with headings:

  1. Introduction,
  2. Materials and methods,
  3. Results,
  4. Conclusions.

Papers prepared without meeting above mentioned conditions will be rejected.

Remember: All information detailed above is included in the file below. Please use it to prepare a suitable article.
