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✨Exciting Announcement for #EYEC2024! ✨

We are delighted to introduce Nikou Hamzehpour, PhD as a member of a scientific commission of the 12th European Young Engineers Conference!

Dr. Nikou Hamzehpour studied soil pedology at the University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran, where she obtained a PhD in soil science in 2012. Since then, she teaches at the University of Maragheh, Iran. Her research has focused on different aspects of Lake Urmia (Hyper-saline salt lake in the northwest of Iran) including soil salinization, saline soils’ pedogenesis, lake Urmia playa formation and evolution and the environmental consequences of its drying. She has accomplished several national projects on this topic. During past few years, her focus was on the study of the dust hot spots’ characteristics, their physico-chemical stabilization and aerosol properties. In 2020 and during a one-year sabbatical, hosted by Atmospheric Chemistry group at ETH University in Switzerland, she started to work on the role of soil-dust from Lake Urmia playa on ice nucleation and the role of soil minerals as well as soil physico-chemical characteristics on heterogeneous freezing temperature.

We are delighted to have You on board, inspiring young engineers in the pursuit of knowledge. Stay tuned for more updates and join us in welcoming Nikou Hamzehpour to our conference! 🚀