
Please, send prepared materials to: eyec.monograph.ichip@pw.edu.pl

Details of an Abstract

Abstract is an obligatory form of the conference communication. Abstract describes shortly the idea of research, its motivation, methods and most important results with a short conclusion. Abstract does not include bibliography and is not divided into entitled sections. Paragraphs are the only building blocks of an abstract.

Basic requirements

Abstract should be written in English and the length should be one-page (B5 paper size) including title, authors, affiliations, contact information and key words. It is possible to add graphic abstract (maximum 12×12 cm, 300 DPI), but it still must fit on one page.

Abstract style guide

    1. File format: .docx
    2. Title: Times New Roman, font size: 11 points, bolded, centered (avoid using capital letters
      for the beginning of each word).
    3. Main text: Times New Roman, font size: 11 points, justified, indent: 1,5 cm, line spacing: 1.15
    4. B5 paper size: 17.6 cm x 25.0 cm,
    5. Margins: top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 3 cm and right 2 cm,
    6. Scientific units should be written in SI (e.g. kg, m3).
    7. Abstract name: ABS_Surname_Name_1 or 2 (please use appropriate numbers if you want
      to prepare more than one abstract)

Paper format

Abstract should contain following details:

    1. Title,
    2. Authors (first full name and surname),
    3. Affiliation (e.g. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw),
    4. Contact information (author’s e-mail),
    5. Key words: list three to seven pertinent words specific to the article,
    6. Main text.

Main text should include following paragraphs, but without headings:

    1. Introduction,
    2. Materials and methods,
    3. Results,
    4. Conclusions.

Abstracts prepared without meeting above mentioned conditions will be rejected.

Remember: All information detailed above is included in the files below. Please use them to prepare a suitable abstract.

General information
