The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP)

The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland is independent organization which is official voice of students’ society. It’s a subject gathering students’ unions from all universities in the country – it’s on the top of self-governance structure. Parliament works on Act of Higher Education basis.

PSRP represents students towards public authorities on the highest level as well as on the international arena. It plays significant role in co-deciding about students’ society position and country’s policy towards youth. Organization reviews proposal of acts concerning students and on their behalf presents their proposals to the public authorities. Moreover Parliament is responsible for organizing workshops and trainings raising students’ qualifications. Organization supports students’ projects, patronages cultural events and initiates movements towards students’ society. It also inspires international students’ exchange and actively participates in international students’ movement.

PSRP also works with Ombudsman, who intercedes on the behalf of victims whenever their rights are being violated and takes preventive actions raising students’ awareness about their rights and duties.

Moreover representatives of PSRP, who are sitting in advisory bodies (Board of Main Science and Higher Education, Polish Accreditation Committee, Committees of Sejm and Senat, working groups in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education) are making sure that students’ say is taken into consideration in social debates.

For more information about PSRP click link to visit their website.